Long Descriptions

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This page provides long descriptions of items occurring on other pages. This page is not meant to be read directly.

Ancient frame-based window descriptions


The header frame along the top displays a header.


The navigation window on the left permanently displays a table of contents that allows navigating to different pages of the web site.


The main window, centre right, displays the currently selected main content.


The header footer frame along the top displays a footer.

The logos in the footer

Made with NotePad

This image button is a logo for the Made With NotePad Campaign. It shows the NotePad icon on the left side, and the text “Made with NotePad” on the right side.

SafeSurf Rated

This image button is an official logo for SurfSafe Rated sites. It shows the SurfSafe Wave Logo on the left side and the text a ribbon on the left side and the text “SafeSurf Rated” on the right side.

Frames Free Ribbon Campaign Logo

This image button is an official logo for the Frames Free Ribbon Campaign. It shows a ribbon on the left side and the text “frames free!” on the right side.

Best Viewed in Any Browser Image Logo

This image button is a logo for the Best Viewed with Any Browser Campaign. There are many button designs available, this one is similar in design to the buttons used by the W3C. The image shows the word “ANY” in upper case on the left hand side and the word “browser” on the right-hand side, with a checkmark overlaying the button.

Table Free logo

This image button is the official logo for the Table Free Campaign. The image shows the text "<div>" on the left and the text “table free” on the right. The “<div>” text is the division tag, the tag that web designers should be using instead of abusing the table tags.


This image button is the logo of the International Date Format Campaign. It shows the abbreviation “IDFC” in blue serif uppercase letters on a white background.

PNG Now Logo

This image button is the PNG Now! logo button. It shows the PNG Logo (a grid of coloured balls with the letters PNG over it) on the left side, the text “Portable Networks Graphics” on the right side and the text “now!” vertically on the very right side.

PNG Logo

This image button is a PNG logo button. It shows the text “PNG”, blue on white, on the left side, and the text “Portable Networks Graphics” black on yellow, on the right side.

Valid HTML 4.01 Logo

This image button is the official Valid HTML 4.01 logo of the W3C mark-up validation service. The image shows the W3C logo on the left hand side and the text “HTML 4.01” on the right-hand side, with a checkmark next to it.

Valid XHTML 1.0 Logo

This image button is the official Valid XHTML 1.0 logo of the W3C mark-up validation service. The image shows the W3C logo on the left hand side and the text “XHTML 1.0” on the right-hand side, with a checkmark next to it. There are no separate logos for XHTML 1.0 Transitional and XHTML 1.0 Strict.

Valid XHTML 1.1 Logo

This image button is the official Valid XHTML 1.1 logo of the W3C mark-up validation service. The image shows the W3C logo on the left hand side and the text “XHTML 1.1” on the right-hand side, with a checkmark next to it.

CSS Logo

This image button is the official W3C logo to promote Cascading Style Sheet web sites. It shows a stair made out of squares in the lower left corner the text “made with Cascading Style Sheets”.

Valid CSS Logo

This image button is the official Valid CSS logo of the W3C CSS Validation Service. The image shows the W3C logo on the left hand side, the text "CSS" on the right-hand side, with a checkmark next to it.

Unicode Encoded

This image button is one of several Unicode Encoded Logos. This Frank Jonen design is a long and thin button. The small, left side has a white uppercase letter U on a red background. The right side is the text “Unicode Encoded” in grey text on a white background.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 Level A

The image button is the official W3C logo for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 Level A. The image shows the W3C logo on the left hand side, and the two abbreviations "WAI-A" and "WCAG 1.0" on the on the right-hand side. The text is black on a yellow background, except the single red A following the dash after the text "WAI".

Lynx Inspected

The “Lynx Inspected” image button has the text “Lynx Inspected” on the left side, and an image of a paw imprint on the right side, on a light blue background.


flag of Australia

The flag of Australia consist of a Union Jack in the upper left corner, on a blue background displaying the Southern Cross as white stars.

flag of Canada

The flag of Canada consist of two red bands on either side a a white field. The field contains a solid red stylised image of a maple leaf.

flag of Croatia

The flag of thed Croatia consist of weapon shield on top of three horizontal bands . The colours of these band from top to bottom are red.

flag of England

The flag of England is a large red cross dividing the white background.

flag of Germany

The flag of Germany consist of three horizontal bands. The colours of these band from top to bottom are black, red and yellow.

flag of Switerland

The flag of Switzerland is simple white cross on a square red background.

flag of the Netherlands

The flag of thed Netherlands consist of three horizontal bands. The colours of these band from top to bottom are red, white and blue.

flag of NewZealand

The flag of New Zealand consist of a Union Jack in the upper left corner, on a blue background displaying the Southern Cross as red stars with a white border.

flag of the South-Africa

The flag of South Africa consits of several coloured fields. There is a black triangle on the left, pointing to the right, with a thin yellow band and a wide green band to the right of it. From the center, green yellow band extends horizontally to the right, thus making Y-shape. The upper right of the flag is red, and the lower right is blue. The red and the blue are separated from the green by a thin white band.

flag of the United Kingdom

The flag of United Kingdom consist of a vertical red cross overlaying a white one, over a diagonal another red cross overlaying a white one, thus creating a eight-pointed cross dividing a blue background.

flag of the United States of America

The flag of the United States of America consists of blue section with white stars in the upper legt corner, overlaying a background of horizontal red and white stripes. There are as many stars as their are states.


Real Genealogy - Not Just Links

This image button for the “Real Genealogy - Not Just Links” campaign is a circular image in dark shades of green on a white background. It shows a full tree within a wide circular band. This band has two white embossed phrases on it, “Real Genealogy” along the bottom and ”Not Just links” along the top.


Connie's Family History Pages Award of Excellence

Connie's Family History Pages Award of Excellence has a montage of five women faces in an oval on the left with the text Connie's Family History Pages is proud to present our Award of Excellence for your contribution in preserving family history. on the right. The five women are five generations of Connie Spindel's family, with herself at the bottom.

The site proper

Jolink and Jolink subscriptions in 1993

A colour-coded map of the Netherlands that shows the number of Jolink (one o) and Joolink (twoo oo's) PTT subscriptions in 1993. It is a hand-crafted combination of the Jolink (one o) and Joolink (two oo's) pictures.

Jolinck's ‘Arabic’ text

This part of the text is a monochrome image of Jolinck's' transcription of the text. It is not possible to present it as text because neither the language nor the script have not been identified. It may a dozen characters long. One part looks like a ligature for the capital letters A an B together, another part might be the digit 5, but these interpretations are doubtful, as it doesn't make sense of the whole.

Jolinck's drawing of Mauritius de Nassau

This monochrome pen drawing of Mauritius de Nassau shows the contours of the island as they appear from a distance of about 4 miles.

Jolinck's drawing of Warwijck's Harbour

A fairly detailed monochrome pen drawing of Warwijck's Harbour, as seen from above, showing it shape, a compass rose, depth measurements and surroundings.

Contributor to the Encyclopædia Mauritiana

The official "Contributor to the Encyclopædia Mauritiana" logo is a rectangular graphic with Mauritius' National Coat of Arms on a white background in the square left side, and the white serif text “Contributor to the Encyclopædia Mauritiana” on a blue background in the right side.

Bennie Jolink Chrysant

The Bennie Jolink Chrysant is a two-colour chrysant. The petals are a dark purplish with a bright white border.

book cover for Sex, Drugs en een shitpiano

The book cover shows five black and white, artificially sepia-toned polaroids, arranged in a square with one photo in the centre, positioned at slightly non-vertical angles and partly overlaying each other, over a black background. Below the photos, along the bottom of the cover, are the keys of a piano.

book cover for Halte Varsseveld

The book shows old letters and a jewish star patch overlaying a photo of the Ladies Jolink with their brother Jolink.

book cover for Oerend Hard

The book shows a portrait of a smiling Bennie Jolink in front of a microphone and the title Oerend Hard in large red letters below it.

View of the Jolinckhoeve

The Jolinckhoeve is a large two-story farmhouse with red tiles, partly covered in green ivy.

Emily Hermans

A portrait of fashion designer Emily Hermans.

Joline Jolink

A portrait of fashion designer Joline Jolink.

Dutch Touch New York 2006

The poster for Dutch Touch in New York in 2006, is a colourfull photo of four fashion models, to a monochrome blue and white background which shows the Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower and a windmill in silhouette.

Dutch Touch Paris 2007

The poster for Dutch Touch in Paris in 2007, is a photo similar in design to earlier Dutch Touch poster. It features a landscape and a reflection that is similar in style, but not identical. The landscape features windmills, the Eiffel Tower and trees. The picture is partly in full colour, partly in grey silhouette. Part of the landscape is covered by a tartan fabric.


The cover of the book Boerenrock has a green background across which the names of rockband are printed in a lighter colour green. Two photos next to other cover the wide band from left to right. Above this is printed the main title “Boerenrock” with a pitch fork between “Boeren” and “rock”. Below it the subtitle, “Jovink, Normaal, de Achterhoek!”, The title and subtitle are both in large yellow letters with a hint of green.

Hier is Normaal

The cover of the album Hier is Normaal is a red heart against a solid grey background, with the title written on top of it.

Opa vertel es

The cover of the album Opa vertel es is a picture of Bennie Jolink, dressed and posed to look like that most famous Che Guevara photograph.


The Syntus logo is the word “Syntus” in dark blue on a dark yellow background, with a partial dark blue circle around the second syllable.

Jolink en de voederbietels

A Jovink en de voederbietels logo in red, orange and yellow burning colours.

Logo Actie KerkRestauratie Hummelo

The logo for the Actie Kerkrestauratie Hummelo is a stylised, black & white picture of the church seen through the wings of a bird.

Kerkconcert Hummelo

The cover of the Kerkconcert Hummelo CD is a picture of light streaming through one of the church windows.

Amsterdam International Fashion Week Logo

The Amsterdam International Fashion Week logo is a slightly modified coat of arms for the City of Amsterdam with the text “Amsterdam International Fashion Week” below it. The modification makes the coat of arms look like a coathanger.

Zwarte Cross

The Zwarte Cross 2007 image is a poster, the Zwarte Cross 2007 in the upper half, the dates and place in the middle, and the text Het Leven is één groot feest (Life is one big party) along the bottom. The is orange and yellow, the background is a gradient, white along the top and black along the bottom.

Wikipedia Logo

The Wikipedia logo is a black and white image of a sphere made up from puzzle pieces. A few pieces are missing. Each piece has a character on it. These characters are taken from many different scripts.

Genealogie Werkbalk in IE

A screenshot detail showing the Genealogie Werkbalk in Internet Explorer 6. The colour of this add-on is clearly a darker grey than the rest of the Internet Explorer menu..

Genealogie Werkbalk 1.1 in Firefox 2.0 in IE

A screenshot detail showing the suddenly completely grey Firefox 2.0 browser window you get when you click anywhere on it with Genealogie Werkbalk installed, and the messagebox you get when you click again: “TypeError: window._content has no properties”.

World Wide Web Consortium

The logo for the W3C consists of three characters without any space in between them; a sans-serif solid blue W and 3 followed by a raised solid white C with a black sides. The three letters are displayed on a white background and are followed by a black registered trademark symbol. There is solid black line above and a solid black line below the characters.

Portable Network Graphics

The logo for the PNG graphics file format consist of three glass letters spelling “PNG” laying on top of a grid of glass balls of several sizes and colours. The canonical logo has a black background, the version used here is the white one.

Internet Explorer 5

The logo for the IE6 consists of a slightly stylised and blue embossed large embossed lowercase letter e with a planetary ring around it, inside a blue square. That blue square is one several coloured squares arranged on a white background, and the text “Microsoft Internet Explorer” on it.

Internet Explorer 6

The logo for the IE6 consists of a slightly stylised and blue embossed large embossed lowercase letter e with a planetary ring around it.

Internet Explorer 7

The logo for the IE7 consists of a large shiny blue gradient slightly embossed lowercase letter e with a yellow gradient planetary ring around it.

Virtual PC 2004

The logo for Virtual PC 2004 consists the white text “Microsoft Virtual PC” on a background of various horizontal gradients of blue, and three largely transparent and partly overlappeing white squares on the right side of this boring image.


The logo for Safari is a shiny silver compass, with a red and silver needle on a sky blue compass rose.


The logo for the WHATWG is a solid dark green image of a question mark within a circle.


The logo for NoScript consist of large blue S with eyes in a red circle and with a red bar over it, much like a traffic sign, the word “No” in the upper left and the word “Script” in the lower left.

No Frame Movement

The button for the No Frame Movement button consists of an empty “forbidden” traffic sign on the on the left and the text “No Frames” on the right.


The Flash-free image consists of a “forbidden” traffic sign across the Flash logo.

HTML Validator for Firefox

The HTML Validator for Firefox logo consits of a small HTML Validated logo overlaying the lower right corner of the Firefox logo.


The Tidy Validated logo consists of box with text in it and checkmark. The left half of the box is white, the right half is yellow. The all-uppercase text is a black sans-serif font. The checkmark is red and overlaps the box on the right side. The text is “TIDY”.


The Serial (both Tidy and OpenSP) Validated logo consists of box with text in it and checkmark. The left half of the box is white, the right half is yellow. The all-uppercase text is a black sans-serif font. The checkmark is red and overlaps the box on the right side. The text is “HTML”.


The PICS logo is a black & white stylised silhouette drawing of a father and mother with a child in between and the text “PICS” below it.

Labeled with ICRA

This is a “Labeled with ICRA” logo. There are several designs, some animated and with text in a particular language, this is the classic, static design with just the logo and the text “ICRA” in blue on a white background.

SafeSurf Labeled

The SafeSurf Label is a light green and yellow button with black text; the SafeSurf logo on the left side and the text “SafeSurf Rated” on the right side.